Monday, April 29, 2013


Again, we would like to thank all those who participated in Blog B'omer.  Some of the posts that I put up were a little quick, and I would like to expound on one of them, and reserve the right to do the same to others in the future.

In one of the earlier posts of the day, I lamented the verbal treatment of an unknown (to the offender)girl by the mother of a boy.

I think it's important to note that I understand the deluge that the families of boys find themselves in, in terms of papers and stuffed in boxes, the dreaded pile of which we spoke.

However, as important as it is, (as I was chided)not to be cynical, there is room for outrage. And not outrage in a vent your spleen kind of way, outrage in the sense that if as a society we do not accept or sit idly by while mothers' of boys are callous and dismissive of our girls, then two things MAY happen.

One, the mothers of boys may think twice about this attitude. They may treat the girls as more then just a name on a paper. As impossible as that is to believe, I am hopeful it could happen. Also, if these women were more comfortable saying no, it would also make things easier, but even with name upon name, people are running scared so it's a hedge. It's the fault of the girl for not reading the "no" in what is being said.

Second, by being outraged, perhaps we can change the culture for those who are just coming in to this part of their life. If people would stop and think, and set a standard for themselves of how they would LIKE to comport themselves, there is a better chance they may actually live up to it. Everyone is human, and I don't expect perfection at all times, but if one is striving for something whether through their own desire to be better, or because the societal pendulum has swung in that direction, then things would be more civil all around.

The system may favor one sex over the other, in terms of who has the "upper hand," in the proceedings, but the system does not dictate individual behaviors.

And can't be blamed for it.

That's a choice.

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