Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Twenty First Post

We need to be careful, that as our society becomes too choking, we make sure that we still remain discerning and make the decision that certain things are still not OK.

Just because too many people are crazy, doesn't mean they can't ever be right,or at least have a point they took too far. Not printing ANY pictures of women, doesn't necessarily mean one should, on the flip side, print or publish ANY pictures of women without first ensuring if in fact THIS is the thing that should not be printed.

I'm being cagey, but even if you don't know exactly what I'm talking about, the idea is still the same.

Letting fanatics dictate how we push back in the wrong way, gives those fanatics the upper hand. It gives them the power.

Stay true to what you believe, grow when you can, but don't let them let you slip backwards.

Then the terrorists win.

1 comment:

firstpob_moo said...

The problem is the concept of masses, and those who feel responsible for leading or presenting to them.
If you were running a school or a flock with a responsibility to support their spirituality, what rules would you make to help ensure that once the heels get higher & more noticeable, the skirts don't also get shorter?