Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Fifteenth Post

Submitted by: bug

To shave or to not shave that is the question.

The question that abounds in yeshivas and the basis of arguments between mothers and their teenage and above sons is whether to shave or not on Lag B'omer. For some it is a no brainer to shave because at that point they have had enough of the beard and want it off. However that is a short sided view if the person in question happens to hold the second half of sefirah, because the beard will just grow back. If one holds the first half  then they should shave because they can continue to shave after and then the beard won’t get annoying.

The real question for me is whether I should shave, trim or just leave it. I’m past the point of trying to prove that I can grow a beard so that takes away one reason to leave it on. However I have the problem of not being able to shave from tonight until Rosh chodesh so by the end of the week it will be annoying and it will look bad again so I might as well keep it. 

Feel free to express your opinion in the comments but chances are I will do what I want as it is my face.


related said...

always do what you want if you are not stepping on anyone else's toe

firstpob_moo said...

maybe shave half. It's still your face but others get to see some of it...

bug said...

i will shave half. the upper half.