Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Nineteenth Post

Let me start off by saying that I am truly touched by the outpouring of support and blog submissions that IcebergCarwash has received as we run our Blog B'Omer Blogothon.

I haven't seen this kind of rapid and large-scale response to a public plea since Oral Roberts told us (well, not really us) that he would be "called back home" if he didn't raise a certain amount of money by a specific deadline.

Note to Self: The next time you find yourself playing poker with a group of evangelical Christians, and you've got nothing better than a pair of 3s, do not fold. Just go "all-in." These people just do not know how to call a bluff.

Due to the overwhelming response, and considering that we believe that there are about a dozen or so blog posts that have been completed, but not-yet submitted, we are extending the deadline until midnight tonight.

Anyway, the Boy has just approached me and asked that I put him to put. While I'm somewhat skeptical about his intentions, and anticipate an ambush of sorts, I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, and I'll sign off to let him get his "warrior rest."


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