Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Twenty Third Post

While related makes excellent points as to how the person who buys a gun gets to that point, a background check that includes certain psychological information may prevent certain sales.  There are plenty of people who should not have guns, and as my father says, those are usually the ones who have them.

When the local paper listed the people in this area with gun permits, I got a little nervous. A few of them are real hot heads, and I hate to think of the day they just have enough. (See, they don't have a blog where they can just vent...).

I think, as I said after the Sandy Hook massacre, we have a religion of gun ownership. The level of discourse leaves no room for grey. Gun control has become synonymous with banning guns. This is untrue. Controlling something because in its current iteration it is too dangerous is not the same as saying no one can have it.

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