Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Twenty Fifth Post

Submitted by: FCG

You don't appreciate things until you don't have them anymore.

And I didn't appreciate having my family close by until I moved away.

I used to be able to run over to my mother to pick up supper, or drop in by Uncle Lawyer for free legal advice (btw my six point ticket got dismissed because the cop didn't show, yay me!) or pop in by Aunt Blogger for a cup of coffee (does anyone come visit you on Fridays anymore?) or even stop in for a bite of tuna by my grandparents. And I never even thought of myself as attached to my family.

But then I packed up and moved to the Rocks Far Away and now I don't have that option.

And I miss everyone.

Of course I'm not as far as the Far Away Cousins, but I still miss the closeness. So it was a great treat when FirstPobMoo came for a visit and brought Uncle Lawyer with her. So come visit me! My door is always open-figuratively of course. I don't want anyone sneaking in to steal my iPad-and I love seeing my family.

1 comment:

firstpob_moo said...

We miss you here too FCG! I enjoyed my visit!