Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Sixth Post

I had an experience recently, that many of you have already had, and will nod your heads and say: See, that's how it is....

But it shouldn't be, and for those of you who are mothers of boys and girls, I cannot understand this attitude, because you yourself have female offspring. How in the world is it possible to reduce a person, someone's child, someone's sister, someone's friend, to one of the most degrading and dismissive terms I have heard in recent years.

"She's in the pile."

I am appalled, I am offeneded, and I am saddened. Because really, what exactly is it, that is so special that your male  offspring, at under 25 with no college and no great goals brings to the table?

 I know the answer, but this is a family blog.

1 comment:

firstpob_moo said...

What do you want them to say?