Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Fourteenth Post

Submitted by: High School Girl

Last night I went to a school lag b’omer party thrown by a kid in my class.

I learned many important lessons from it:

1.      It is really cool to have a backyard with a man made pond, life size chess set, volleyball net, tetherball,, fire pit and segways.

2.      S'mores taste better when the melted chocolate is not chocolate flavored wax aka chocolate chips but rather a huge pan of high quality chocolate.

3.      School parties are way more fun without teachers there (obviously).

4.      Colored marshmallows look really creepy when they are roasted.

5.      People still need to learn not to dress like they are going out to a restaurant when they are going to a late night bonfire/barbecue outside on the grass!

1 comment:

firstpob_moo said...

The idea of the party is better with those things - if it's not actually enjoyable for you then all you've got is a list of things that could have been fun but weren't really (except for the tasty smores). Which makes the party a net disappointment.