Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Twenty Fourth Post

Submitted by: Rashak

As editor of a school newsletter, I've been reading through submitted articles and selecting which ones to include in the newsletter. It's been quite a tedious chore, as the majority of the articles seem like they were written by people who speak English as a second language. Here are some of the worst sentences, some of which I had to read 2,3, or 4 times until I understood them.

 "Most believe that failure is undesirable to a road in which you attempted to succeed, but in reality your failure may actually be one of your greatest successes." 

"Twitter updates have a very different feel from them in comparison to a Facebook or Linkedin in structural terms."

"Facebook is great for businesses because it exposes the business beyond the scope that an individual could do personally."

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