Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog B'Omer: This is the Second Post

This post is submitted by KWBSLKM

I am a senior.

This week, my school decided to reinstate a tradition that had been phased out several years ago:

Color War.

However, since "school isn't camp" and Color War is a "camp thing," the administration is not calling it Color War. Instead, they gave it an inspiring and school-oriented name: Spark.
Now, I have nothing against using unnecessary new-and-improved names for things that already have perfectly good names. The government does this all the time, calling elevators "vertical transportation units" and taking my money to pay the deficit "taxes." My problem here is the principals' insistence that this is NOT Color War, as evidenced by the fact that we are calling it Spark.

Well, principals, I have news for you. When you divide the school into teams, give each team captains, and have requirements such as skit, theme song, chidon, cheer, sports, banner, and the like, with judges to score each requirement and a winner at the end, that is Color War, whether or not you call it Spark.
If you don't like Color War because it's too much like camp, don't have Color War. If that doesn't bother you, then why change the name?

Well, actually, there are no team colors. So I guess it's not really Color War.

 It's Field Day.

Forget I said anything.


related said...

a rose by any other name....

firstpob_moo said...

Hope your team (or whatever they call it) wins!

KWBSLKM said...

in case you wonder, we didn't win. Oh well.