Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Winter of My Dis-caffeining, Part II

Editor's note: This post in another in a series of updates on MBB's attempt to live a caffeine-free lifestyle. Unfortunately, our subject does not seem to be doing very well right now.

Day 16:

Have you ever listened to a middle-aged person speaking about something that he/she did when he/she was much younger, and now feels embarrassed about? The story typically ends with the person saying something like, "I can't believe I thought it was a good idea at the time."

This is how I feel about my caffeine-free phase, with one little caveat.

I never, ever thought that it was a good idea.

This was a terrible idea from the start. A foolish, nasty, downright cruel idea.

I'm tired, irritable and unfocused. Having thumbed my nose at caffeine and its appetite-suppressing qualities, I'm in the process of eating everything in my house that is not nailed down.

This is sheer madness.

Why do I get the impression that this is the kind of stunt that Ted Bundy tried, back when he was "normal?"

How am I supposed to make it through at least four years of a Democratic administration like this?

Doesn't the Geneva convention cover something like this? Can someone look this up for me, please? (I can't focus long enough to use Google effectively. Or, perhaps I should have said, "to effectively use Google." Darn that Chief Justice Roberts. Now he's got me confused as well).

Anyway, I think I'll stick it out for a little while longer. I want to see if I can keep this going until the three week point.


Anonymous said...

I do not think I ever realized before how much of a recreational DRUG caffeine was. I just thought people used the buzz but that they "could stop at any time" I suppose the withdrawal you are experiencing makes it much more addictive than that. Well good luck and keep it up, there is life without caffeine, and it is a good one.

Anonymous said...

keep'em coming! Unless,of course,you have some sort of crazy nervous breakdown.(It WOULD be a little cool,but mostly sad.)PLEASE don't have some sort of crazy nervous breakdown.