Sunday, January 11, 2009

Always Take the High Road. You'll Encounter Much Less Traffic.

When FBB and I started this blog four months ago, I was under the impression that our goal would be to entertain and inform our readers. At the same time, we'd be able to keep our writing muscles toned and free of atrophy.

We didn't want to be like so many of those other "rant" blogs, which feature writers who are just angry with the world, and determined to let everyone know about it. Even more importantly, we didn't want to be a blog that shamelessly shares details of our personal and private lives, right down to the results of every trip we make to the bathroom. IcebergCarwash would hold itself to a somewhat higher ideal.

Apparently, I misunderstood our aims.

A few days ago, I casually navigated my browser to this very blog. I wanted to see if any of our recent posts had received any witty comments. Or, perhaps I wanted to avail myself of the opportunity to re-read some of our older (but still amazingly relevant) posts. However, much to my shock and disappointment, on this very page, there was a post which laid bare some of the most private elements of my medical history. As if this unwanted - and unwarranted - exposure weren't bad enough, this odoriferous post also discussed my reaction to a strong anesthetic.

I began to wonder, am I guilty of this type of thing as well? Do I write posts detailing FBB's behavior every time she goes on a bender? Has anyone ever read anything on this blog detailing her peculiar reaction to certain types of hallucinogenic narcotics? Has anyone ever been made aware of the number of times we've had to call the police to our home?

The answer to all of the above questions is a definitive, resounding "No." I just don't discuss this type of stuff.

(Granted, it's also because FBB isn't much of a drinker, has never used drugs of any kind, and the only time we've ever had a cop here was after someone knocked down our mailbox, which has since been booby-trapped to prevent another such occurrence. The point is that I wouldn't blog about that stuff even if it did happen).

Nor will I discuss these things in the future.

After all, MBB knows only one way to play it....classy.

Oh, and smooth, too.

Correcting my previous statement, then, MBB knows two ways to play it, classy and smooth.

Actually, upon reflection, that represents only one way to play it, not two.

It's not "classy or smooth." It's "classy and smooth."

We're dealing with a combination of these two elements, (sometimes referred to as "clooth" or "smassy"), which represent the one and only way to play it.

It is this path that I have chosen.

I hope that's clear.

If it isn't clear, it's probably due to this condition I've had since my childhood which prevents me from...

Never mind, you'll probably end up reading about that in a subsequent post.


Anonymous said...

I think your'e very funny but I don't understand half of what you write

Anonymous said...

I agree that smassy is always the way to go and since there is so much you are not saying about FBB then you are always being clooth. Although I was totally in stiches both from her post and from your response.

Anonymous said...

I am slain by your writing and by the issue itself.

Cackling out loud----thanks!