Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Floor Is Not A Smorgasboard

This post is for a certain two foot person. Unfortunately, she can't read. However, maybe someday she will chance upon this blog, and she will see how she sustained herself when she was a wee lass.

Not really sustained herself, but everyday as I sweep she comes running over to the pile as I get out the dustpan (for some reason I like to call it a dustbin, but it looks weird in written form), and sees what she can salvage. This morning as I swept up the Fruity Pebbles that were scattered along the floor, she came running over. I think she thought I was collecting them for her to dig in. I really thought that at this point she would no longer feel she had to scavenge on the floor for scraps. When she began crawling at about 8 months old she found the floor to be a delightful entree to the world of food. So I started her on solids. This obviously did nothing to dampen her desire for floor food.

She is now 22 months old. Very mobile, and communicative. You would think that she would not need to resort to scraps. Anyone who knows her, knows how much she likes to eat, and how she will ask for food from anyone. On Friday I needed to go to the girls' school to drop something off. The secretary was eating pretzels, and the little twerp was not shy about wanting some. When the woman put out her hand with six pretzel nuggets in it, she tried to take them all.

So my dear almost two year old cutie, please don't run over to the sweep pile to find the food you discarded from your high chair minutes earlier. If you didn't want it then, why do you want it now?


Anonymous said...

she is such a yum, even if the food she eats is not.

Anonymous said...

If you can't train her(by putting her in her highchair when you sweep and supplementing her with non-floor Fruity Pebbles)then perhaps you'd best give up sweeping altogether and let your human vacuum cleaner do it! (Although she might not eat it if it isn't swept up)