Monday, November 10, 2008


What is with my family and SHOES??? You'd think we were muslim with all the bad luck attached to our footwear!

So the saga has extended. The baby is happily ensconced in her cute pink shoes (black patent leather on the weekend), but we hit a snag with the 13 year old (incidentally, today is her birthday).

About three weeks ago she went ice skating on a Friday, and when she got home she took a shower and changed her clothes and shoes. Sunday through Wednesday were holidays, so she again wore special shoes, and mentioned in passing that her school shoes were missing. On Friday she was getting ready for school, and told me again that her shoes were missing. So she put on boots. I'm thinking it must have been very cold, or very rainy, because it still hadn't registered with me that her shoes were gone. By Sunday I was on board, and we tore the house apart looking for the missing footwear. Nope. Nowhere to be found. The fact that she refused to wear her very nice, normal looking sneakers was just a function of her age and ensuing teenagerhood (which she has since reached). So her choice to wear thick boots on 65 degree days seemed odd and ridiculous to me, her obviously clueless mother. And I really must be clueless because when I am out and about and I see people in UGG boots, I wonder why they think they look good. UGG, short for Ugly if you ask me. But I digress.

At this point, I noticed every morning that she was wearing boots. Then I forgot about her problem, and she came home and took them off, and the whole cycle started over in the morning. Until one day she mentioned it again in the evening, and I concluded that the baby must have thrown them in the garbage (along with one of her cups, a dustpan, and probably many other things we haven't even noticed yet). It would turn out I was half right, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

We sat down one day when Lands End was offering free shipping, and purchased an adorable pair of patent leather red flats. They came on Thursday.

Saturday night, my oldest was playing with my youngest, and stuck her head down an old laundry chute that is no longer used, and goes nowhere because the metal is bent upward at the bottom. There, sitting on the metal pieces were the shoes. I guess that baby likes playing there (I'll have to seal it up), and of course my daughter wore the new shoes on Friday, so now my very happy 13 year old has two pairs of shoes.

And not one person predicted this.


Anonymous said...

We didn't want to say it but YOU KNEW they would be found if only you bought her new ones!!!!! (that and the fact you were so convinced they were thrown in the garbage.) What else did you find down the laundry chute? Well lucky for your new teenager the extra shoes came right on time!

Anonymous said...

what a perfect entry into teenagerhood. Congrats on getting a second pair of shoes so soon after reaching the age when you need them!

Anonymous said...

now the problem will be what to do when one pair is missing and the other ones don't match!
then she'll have a real problem, because that you most certainly won't understand! (trust me i have experience)

Anonymous said...

wow she's good! it took me longer to figure out how to get a new pair of shoes out of my mother...he he

Anonymous said...

muslims lose shoes?