Monday, November 3, 2008

The Best Way To Save Money..... to take your husband shopping with you. In my never ending quest to get cheap chocolate, preferably caramel filled, we went to Walmart today. Firstly, I am a fool for not going here first. If something is marked down 50%, but was cheaper to begin with, of course it's going to be really cheap now. So I really should have gone to Walmart from the start.

I found Milk Duds and caramel Apple kisses, milky way, three musketeers, and assorted assorted bags. Granted, I already have lots of chocolate in teh house, but I couldn't resist.

MBB could. He didn't really say anything, just looked at me with his mouth agape, and I knew I had to put some back. So I kept the Milk Duds, The Kisses, and One Assorted bag (snickers, mms, twix, and milky ways). I put back the stand alone milky ways because I would have finished the bag by the time I got home. So I was actually happy that he was with me, because I really didn't need all that temptation. As it I'm having a hard time. I mean, who am I kidding? I didn't get this for the kids! I think I might have to store it in his car, then it won't always be here, and will certainly be more of a pain in the neck to get. I did that with the Valentines Day candy, and one day I almost drove to the commuter lot just to get a piece of it. Thinner heads prevailed, and I did not, but it was tempting.

So I was very happy to have put the stuff back. Until I paid. It was so cheap, I wanted to cry. I'm not sure if I'm addicted to the chocolate or paying almost nothing for it, but it's all I can think of. I've been debating going back for the last few hours. My skin is itchy, and I'm calmed by milk duds and kisses. Learn from me people. It's a dangerous place this off- price candy world. It looks so colorful, and tastes so wonderful, you get a thrill at the cashier, but then what? You can't turn back. You must avoid the post holiday candy at all costs! It's not worth it. Rushing to get the best of the seconds, slinking in the day or two after the holiday, relegated to the aisle with messed up shelves, and digging haphazardly through thrown together bags of treats to satisfy a craving that will never abate. You'll gain weight and always be looking for that next score. Take my advice. Steer clear. Avoid! Avoid! Don't go down this treacherous road.

Espescially, if you shop in the same stores as me.


Anonymous said...

you should see our freezer after Thanksgiving. Nothing like having 21 birds at 3/1 prices.

Anonymous said...

So far I have only had a chance to go into 2places but I know that ithere is so much more to be checked out that I can't stop. When you can get 30 mini bags of M&M's for $0.85 can you just leave that there??? I think not!!