Friday, November 7, 2008

Small Packages...Blah, Blah, Blah

My feet hurt.

Last night I went to a wedding (which was really nice, and lots of fun), and I danced. A lot. Why do my feet hurt? Because I was wearing three inch heels. Why was I wearing three inch heels? Because, as mentioned in a previous post, I am short. Very short. Three inch heels both level the playing field and make me feel really good. I like being taller. How sad is that? There's something in my life that I am unhappy with, and unless I go for radical surgery will never inherently change. Or will it? I CAN change it empirically by wearing heels. and I do.

But not without comment. If I had 100 million dollars for every time someone made a comment about my shoes last night, I could have funded that whole AIG bailout myself. Why does it bother people that I like to wear high heels, that it elevates my self-esteem, and gives a new perspective on life, quite literally? As a matter of fact, I was once washing dishes in heels, and was amazed at how uncomfortable it was being so much higher than the sink, but on the other hand I was easily able to reach the vinegar on the top shelf of the spice cabinet. (For those of you wondering why I would put it that high in my own cabinet, rest assured I did not. I'll let you guess who did!)

Maybe, they all want to be wearing heels, they know it makes them look better, but because they choose not to do it because of the pain it causes, they need to comment on my choice. I don't care if they want to stay their regular heights, I really don't, but I think they do. They look at me, willing to scrunch my toes and blister the balls of my feet for a few extra inches, and wonder why they themselves don't sacrifice. I'm not saying they have to, but when you make a decision, stick with it, own it, and be comfortable that you've made the choice that's right for you. If you're commenting to me, I think you have not reached that nirvana just yet.
There was someone there who wore really nice high heels, but for dancing changed into sensible flats. She had no qualms about it, because she knew she was doing what worked for her, and she owned those black wedges! And that's how it should be. Of course I'll still look at those weirdos who pierce up their faces as just that weirdos, but if they own it? I respect that.

I'll call it the "Shall I zoom" theory. If you're going to do something, commit! Do it all the way. Don't start making a left into oncoming traffic and hesitate. Zoom!

Vanity over comfort, I think I'll go with vanity almost every time. I know it's a flaw, but it's my flaw, and one that I can embrace.

Cuz it's really low down.


Anonymous said...

i changed into flats for dancing, and then when i didn't want to dance anymore, i changed back into highs.

for the record; never insult anyone with three inch heels. it's very painful to be stabbed with a stilleto

Anonymous said...

Vanity over comfort is a woman thing, not limited to any individual.

I always thought high heels were primarily to make the leg look better and only secondarily to make one seem taller. Either way, they look great and I am glad people wear them.

The radical surgery is really gruesome.

Anonymous said...

Just give yourself a few more years (or maybe move to a backwater town) The ability to choose comfort over vanity is getting easier with every passing year.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was your own rule to "stay awhile".SO WHAT WERE YOU DOING WEARING HIGH HEELS WHILE WASHING DISHES???