Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After

Within a few days, I expect to post something about the economic policy outlook under an Obama presidency. (I know you've all been waiting desperately for that post). I think I'll wait until we know who Obama has chosen as his Treasury Secretary. For the record, I predict it'll be Lawrence Summers. Timothy Geitner, currently president of the N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank, has also been mentioned, and would be an interesting choice, in my opinion.

As to yesterday's events themselves, I'll admit it. I'm pretty bummed out about the results of the presidential election, inevitable though it might have been over the past few weeks.I'm sure most of our readership feels the same way.

However, as FBB so accurately put it in the previous post, there are some silver linings.
I'd like to add another one to the list:

While Barack Obama was not my choice for the position, I think that there is tremendous significance in the election of a black man to the highest position in our land. If nothing else, perhaps it shows that our nation is capable of overcoming our racial divisions. It's been a long time coming.

While I'm not naïve enough to believe that racism is a thing of the past, I do believe that this represents progress. The ongoing relegation of a group of people to second-tier status, based solely on the color of their skin, is shameful. While this relegation might not exist to that large an extent anymore in actual practice, far too many of us subscribe to this abhorrent thinking, whether in our speech or in our hearts and minds. So, although I'm extremely apprehensive about President-elect Obama's policies, today I am very proud of my country. As I am every day.

So, how is a good conservative Republican to react to Obama's victory? Far be it from me to tell anyone how to behave, but here's a recommendation.

Keep your chin up. Don't sulk about it, or become bitter. That's what whiny liberals do. Conservatives focus on finding solutions. Clearly, the Republican party needs to reinvigorate itself. Let's get some youthful, articulate people out in front of the public. They're out there. I've got no doubt that there is great talent in our party. We just need to introduce those folks to America.

Speaking of whiny liberals, let me make one plea for sanity. Please, please do not go out and plaster your cars with anti-Obama bumper stickers. It's not that there's anything wrong with voicing anti-Obama opinions. On the contrary, it's important that our voices be heard over the next four years. My issue is with the medium. Bumper stickers. Does anything look worse than a car that is plastered with bumper stickers? It's so hippie looking.

Bumper stickers. They're like armpit hair for cars.

Don't do it.

We shall prevail.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

If you want to get a good sense of Republican thinking that is very Honest and not at all whiney (though maybe a bit sad and efeated today) checkout out Commentary Magazine's blog. called contentions

not that you need any competition but it is a realy good perspective.

Anonymous said...

Eric Cantor comes to mind. (R-Va Chief Deputy Whip.

I heard him speak, he is wonderful. There are others indeed. The problem will be getting these guys face time via the liberal controlled media.