Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Great Tool

"My Favorite Aunt," (who does not read the blog, but another aunt might, so I hope she notices the quotation marks, and remembers that she is the original and always will be the FaMFA-"Favorite and Most Fun Aunt" {ed. note: all monikers are self proclaimed}) picked up the most spectacular and wonderful tool on the planet.

OK, that might be a bit of hyperbole. However, part of the brilliance of this tool is its simplicity. It's a pomegranate seeder. I seeded each pomegranate in UNDER A MINUTE, my walls and fingers stayed clean, there were no errant arials on the floor leaving streaks of red that unsuspecting husbands come home to and think someone has chopped off a few digits throughout the day.

By the way, pomegranates get a bad rap as far as staining clothing. It is completely untrue. As someone who has spent the last several weeks seeding MANY, MANY pomegrantes by hand (before FA bought the tool and lent it top me-fear not I purchased it for myself...and a few others), I can say with complete assurance that it definitely comes out of clothing through normal laundering. Even white clothing, cuffs, and shirt fronts and the like come out purple free when put through a normal wash load. I'm not sure where the reputation stems from, perhaps in the olden days soaps were different and did not work well on this particular fruit stain. Either way, if you do not have this wonderful product, fear not. You can seed pomegranates and your clothing will survive. I wish I could say the same for my hands. I happen to have very deep grooves on my fingers and palms (not just the five lines everyone has, those faint lines all over your palm? They are not faint on my hand), and regular soap and water does not do the trick. Since it is the winter I have some cracks on my fingertips, so OxiCleaning my hands (which works) is a painful proposition. Basically it looks like I spent a week peeling potatoes.

Anyway, here's a quick video of how it works, two points, however. I don't CUT the pomegranate in half, I score the skin and break it open with my hands. Also, the finished product in the video does not show that some of the white does end up in the receptacle with the seeds. It's still easier and quicker to seed it this way then any other I have tried.



brotherlawyer said...

Why would anyone WANT so many pomegranate seeds that they would need a tool to gain them???

FBB said...

They're healthier than waffles!

rabbim said...

The commercial cheats! There are clearly cuts in the action. Before I go out and buy one, I need to see an honest uncut straight-through video of the process.
PS does it come with teh whacking spoon?

Doobie said...

pomegranates are such a treat. Try them, they are not just for Rosh Hashana anymore!