Monday, January 24, 2011


Today is the kind of cold where you keep checking the temperature because it so crazy how low the thermometer is reading.

It's the kind of day that you go out with gloves and a hat and a scarf and you think, "hey it's not so bad," until you notice, after one minute that the part of your face that is exposed is hurting and tingling.

Today is the day that you take your kids to school, because it was too cold to wait outside for the bus, and even though you have a stop in front of your house, and it's 3 degrees at eight in the morning the driver blew right past, even though the kids were waiting at the door.

It's the day where everyone else had the same idea and from entering the school parking lot to exiting took ten minutes.

Today is the day you do not take your seven month old out of the house or car, unless you have an appointment that was pushed off three times already and you must take care of and go, but luckily is pushed off until the time of day when it's a balmy 15 degrees.

It's the day you bless your garage.

Today is the day you make a big stew or soup for supper and hunker down as the day gets darker and the chill get chillier (unless your kids have practice then you go out twice, but it's not so bad...see above).

It's the day you use lots of hand cream and drink lots of coffee.

Today is the day you put on a big fleece hat and your three year old asks "Is that Grandma's hat?"

It's the day you realize that some people are SOOO motivated that they will walk outside for exercise.

Mostly, though:

Today is the day you are thankful you don't live in Minnesota.

It's the day you wonder why you don't live in Florida.

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