Thursday, December 4, 2008

That Was Fun!

So it seems a woman's work is never done. As I sit here in my sister's house, she is complaining that there's nothing new on the blog. So it seems I am not as compelling as a conversationalist as I am as a blogger. Hmmm. That does wonders for the self esteem.

It's so nice to get a slice of someone else's life. When I come here with my kids, it's not normal life here either (extra people, everyone home from school, etc), so when I come alone I really get the feel for her life. Obviously, my being here changes things automatically. But , still, it's nice when you live far away from someone to become, even briefly, a part of their daily routine. As Verizon can attest, we try to stay connected, though you can't compare being here with being on the phone.

A number of people asked me what we would do when I got here, and I responded "nothing really." Honestly, that's what we like to do. Just be. Life shared with those we're closest to feels so full. So, though we did nothing, we also went bowling, to Dunkin Donuts, shopping, and to a great little store here that's fun to browse. The funny thing about bowling was I did OK the first game, she did ok the second, but our COMBINED score on the second game was less than the loser of the trio next to us. I'd love to learn how to get the ball to curve, it's so coool. If I were to go bowling and wanted to learn, this would be the place. Including 2 pairs of shoes and a total of four games we paid a whopping: $13. That's just crazy!

I'm going home soon, and will wait 'til we can get together again. I hope it's soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was fun for me too!! I am missing you today. No DunkinDonuts runs :( But most of all I miss your company and conversation.