Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I Got It!!!

Last night, while driving home from parent teacher conferences (for some reason known around town as PTA, which I guess it is, since the parents and teachers DO associate), it hit me. I figured out a solution that will kill two birds with one stone. The only problem is, I doubt he'll go for it.

As I'm sure many of you have heard by now, the Governor of Illinois was arrested by the FBI for numerous things, including attempting to "sell" the senate seat of former Senator-now-President-Elect Obama.

This puts even more pressure on NY Governor David Patterson, who needs to pick a replacement for Senator Hillary Clinton, our soon to be Secretary of State. He needs to pick someone who is both qualified and avoids the stench of a quid pro quo so rampant in Albany, and all political machines.

I have the answer. Michaal Bloomberg. Here's where the two birds come in. If Bloomberg is appointed Senator, he won't run for Mayor, and democracy, though already subverted, may triumph yet. The problem is I doubt he'd agree. The Senate is much different from the executive suites, be it corporate or political. Aside from building his Bloomberg empire he has been the Mayor for almost 8 years, and is used to an executive position. Can he play well with others? From a politics stand point I have no doubt that he would be fine, though I don't know that he'd be happy playing junior to Chuck Schumer. Plus, I don't think could stand two Senators with such annoyingly grating voices.

I heard some one say last night, that since the Governor was not elected he should not appoint Clinton's successor, but call a special election. That is a ridiculous argument. Did Lyndon Johnson call special elections everytime he had to appoint judges, or make a tough decision? No. Why? Because he was elected to a position that every knew he would take over if anything happened to his boss. So too with Patterson. He was elected Lieutenant Governor to Eliot Spitzer's Governor. The fact that no one expected Spitzer to leave? Well, as Monty Python says "nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

So who should Patterson appoint? As much as it pains me to say this, the answer is Andrew Cuomo. If New York state wants a representative who will represent the interests of New York in a tough and uncompromising way, a man who's been to Washington and knows it's culture, I believe he's the man for the job. Certainly not Caroline Kennedy, despite her uncle's desire to keep a Kennedy in the Senate now that his clock is ticking. Though I don't know who's waiting in the wings as State Attorney General.

If Cuomo is appointed, the Legislature would appoint an Attorney General, thus leaving New York State without a Lieutenant Governor, an appointed Senator, an appointed Attorney General, and a Mayor who uses political promises to secure himself an unearned spot on the ballot.

Ship him off to Washington.


Anonymous said...

sounds good to me buy why then did you suggest Andrew Cumo as well?

Anonymous said...

I like your thinking here. Send the bum to Washingtin (or War-shing-ton, as our presidential runner up calls it). Maybe then the city will be affordable again, without it costing 115 dollars every time you drive in!