Thursday, September 18, 2008

Henceforth, We Are To Be Known As Mr. MBB and Lady FBB

A strange thing happened over the past 24 hours here at IcebergCarwash. FBB and I used the same word in separate posts, but spelled it differently.

In my post earlier today, entitled "The Czar Would Be Proud," I wrote "...the always-looming specter of capricious government intervention."

In a prior post, entitled "Is It The Economy, Stupid?" FBB referred to "The frightening spectre of Obama..."

Same word, different spelling.
So, which one of us is right?
Actually, they're both correct.

"Specter" is the American spelling of the word, while "spectre" is the British spelling of the word.

I was considering giving FBB a hard time about using the British spelling, but I didn't. Such a manouvre on my part would be instantly recognised as a poor attempt at humour. I realise the extent to which FBB has laboured to make this blog a reality, even to the extent of choosing - and editing - the colour scheme. It has also been a great honour for me to write for IcebergCarwash. Indeed, it is one of my favourite activities. The last thing I want to do is turn this blog into a theatre of the absurd.

Over the long term, such spelling diversity will only enhance this blog. As the blog's readerhip expands, our readers on the other side of the Atlantic will be sure to find comfort in the familiar spelling style.

So fetch us some tea, won't you, Sebastian? IcebergCarwash is going global.
And don't be stingy with the biscuits.

Thanks, Guv'ner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spell however you want - you won't be accepted as a true Brit until you understand and can use correctly the word "bespoke" - which apparently means proprietary or custom-made, but mostly is used to denote "broken." Among my friends, and to align myself more completely with the US, I just use it randomly to mean anything.
This is my first time bespeaking up! Love the blog!