Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama wears Purple Lipstick

Earlier in this space we extolled the virtues of changes. Those were specifically changes that one can make on a personal level.

On a more municipal, global level, change is not always positive. Though the argument, usually said with a "get over it" attitude, "Things Change" is not that easy to refute, that doesn't make it a solid or valid point of debate. It's almost like "Because."

Just because something is a "change" that doesn't automatically mean that it's better, but the argument is always that people fear change and like the status quo, and the status quo that we know was once a change for other people. This may be so, but it doesn't mean the change is going to be an improvement, but you can be sure it will be rammed down your throat. And then once it is, there is nothing to do but accept it, or live angry the rest of your life.

So at this point you're thinking, huh? Where's a confusing financial post when you need one!?!?

On a local level CHANGE can relate to development and over development, new laws and taxes, and various programs initiated and stopped. So I'll use an example bandied about quite a bit in these parts. In 1933 the German government changed. We all know how well THAT turned out.

Nationally change is a big issue right now. This country needs a change. IT needs to get away from 8 years of cowboy antics, cronyism, big shows claiming success, and strict adherence to policies that aren't working.

Obama doesn't fit that bill. He may not unfurl a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished," but his eloquence, charisma and rhetoric achieve the same photo op and sound bite effect. Cronyism...the man is from Chicago politics...enough said. And Adherence to policies that aren't working? Obama has admitted that the surge (of which Mcain was a major proponent)was successful from a military viewpoint, but because not all the political benchmarks have been met it's time to get out.

Now, I'm not advocating staying in Iraq at full power for a long, long time, but we need to base that decision on the facts on the ground, and not as a way to pacify the electorate and get votes. Plus, I think the military needs to pare down in Iraq so that it can deal with the threats in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and potentially Iran.

I think the war, though it has benefited Americans in that the terrorists all set up camp over there and blew our soldiers to smithereens (or hacked their heads off), was started under false pretenses, and the course was stayed a little too long (perhaps a problem in the Bush family), until finally some progress was made. But so were many mistakes. So I'm not saying those who were/are against the war are totally wrong...maybe just Obama. Seriously, I'm afraid that the economy will put him over the edge, though his policies are wrong for this type of economic downturn (how's that for Euphemism!). Though mostly I will leave that to MBB as finance appears to be his bailiwick.

It's funny to me how they keep characterizing Sarah Palin as a Hockey Mom. It's so derogatory, I've heard a number of reports were she is referred to as a Hockey Mom as opposed to, say, y'know, THE GOVERNOR OF ALASKA!

Plus, they're talking about her inexperience, and how she's getting a crash course on foriegn policy by going to the UN to meet with world leaders. I'd like someone to tell me when and how Obama got HIS crash course. Was it in two years in the US senate, or maybe it was his trip to Europe where he spoke to a screaming throng of 200,000 Germans. Hmmm, if that doesn't make you shiver, I don't know what would.

There's six weeks til the election. Don't worry there's more coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just doing my part for IcebergCarwash... there is sooo much to comment on in this post that I would need to send a "very special episode" to the BB's for review. Let me leave by saying... I have a lot to say