Sunday, August 7, 2011

Slow Sunday

Needing to catch up on sleep, I crawled back into bed at 9:45 this morning. Being just a few days before Tisha B'av we had no big plans for the day, nothing beyond the misery of going through and organizing all the toys. We figured it was a good activity for "Shavua She Chal Bo," and spent the past few days alerting the masses in the house that that would be the activity for Sunday.

When I went in for my late morning zzzzs the girls were mostly still in bed. I did not wake them, because they don't go to work on Sunday, and I figured not much would happen anyway if I was in bed.

I was wrong. When I got up from my nap, the toys were almost completely arranged, organized and discarded. I could not believe that they had gotten up did their morning routine, and then just got to work on what they knew I wanted done!

Once everything was really finished, a few hours later, we piled into the car for a ride to a self serve yogurt place about half an hour away from us. It was actually fun, though the amount each one took was different so it would be hard to compare the cost with a place like Carvel (though everyone took the amount they wanted, not too little not too much, none leftover!)even with the total amount costing the same. So per pound it may have been more, but we all got what we liked.

We ate it a park down the block from the store, the little kids playing in the playground, and the big ones shmoozing with their camp friends who they alerted that they'd be in the area.

Two of the kids wanted to bike ride when we returned, so off we went.

Bike riding, ice cream, and a major job tackled. Not bad for a do nothing Sunday

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