Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Thanks to Hurricane Irene, which we all apparently survived thanks to the Democracy abusing Mayor, Michael Bloomberg (You know, they[critics] should just look in the mirror,” Mr. Bloomberg replied. “They’re alive today, whether because of it or in spite of it. We’re just not going to take any risk with people’s lives.”) we have no internet access.

So for the moment we are using family computers on the other side of town, where a tree did not knock out phone and electric wires a few blocks from the house. We didn't lose power, and they've cut the trees off the wires, but the electric company seems to be busy with other things (restoring power) so they haven't lifted the wires, and I think the cable company doesn't get their chance to fix it until electric and phone are done. Can you say REFUND?

Anyway the tales of our last gasps of summer will have to wait. The web will be a lonely place until we post again......

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