Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Enemy of My Enemy...

I don't know a lot about the current debt ceiling crisis, I just know that the New York Times editorial board hates the "deal," which makes me quite certain that whatever it is, it's a good idea!

Seriously, there is one aspect of economics I don't really understand. Social Security. I think it should be structured more like insurance for retirement, versus guaranteed pay out for retirement. There are many people who do not need the money from the government, and though they've paid into it, I still think it should be doled out on a need basis. As for all those years that people paid into it? As I said it's insurance, it gives them the opportunity to make risky investments in their older age, or visit casinos a few times a year, because if they fall on hard times, Social Security will then be there to prop them up!

Before you yell socialism, think about it. It makes sense.


fil said...

fbb PINKO!

Doobie said...

there are alot of non-socialists saying just that. Social Security must eventually be reformed and that may be a good way to do it. It is the same with medicade (or medicare I always forget which is which) if the elderly can afford their own medical insurance they should not let the government pay for it. This is also being discussed as a type of reform

MBB said...


Medicare is government sponsored healthcare coverage for people over the age of 65.

Medicaid is government sponsored healthcare coverage for low income individuals.

Medicade is a refreshing drink made by squeezing medics for their juice.

SLiM said...

thanks for the reminder! sounds yummy

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

Having gotten here through the link from that correct political thinking site, www.doctorgreunkern.blogspot.com I also must register my bewilderment at the complete veering off the road all the way on the left that has occurred.

fil said...


Your comment on Dr. G is the most intellectually DIShonest thing I have read in a long time. If you can't see that mandatory insurance against poverty hews almost perfectly to the communist dictum, I suggest some lessons in logic.

Even medical insurance is less objectionable because it is unlikely that anyone would not need a doctor at some point in his life. However, it is quite usual that someone will never need poverty insurance no matter how long he lives.