Sunday, August 14, 2011


As much as I hate to admit it, I am getting too old to manage on just three or four hours of shut eye. One, because physically it takes its toll, and two, I just don't have the time or BH lack of responsibilities to be able to make it up by sleeping as late as I'd like. I think this is one of the major indications of one's age. You can stay up, that's not the problem, it's how it affects you the rest of the day/week/month that really brings it home. (If you want to really feel old, and you are female, go to a wedding and try dancing. The minute the young girls see who's hand they are holding they will drop it like a hot potato and start an new circle without anyone over age 25)

These sleep patterns are unlike those of the many teenagers currently residing at this address. I sometimes wonder if I did not wake them how long they would actually go. If they did that, they'd stay up really late the next night because "I slept all day," so the cycle would continue.

This morning at about 7:00 am, after a very late night hanging out like a teenager until two in the morning (then getting home and getting the non sleeping actual teenagers into bed before retiring at about 2:45), little four year old came into my room. At some point during her yap fest I mentioned that we should try to sleep, because "I love sleep."

She looked at me with her eyes huge and replied:

"I LOVE candy.".

Of course she does.

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