Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I'm sure somewhere in the archives there is a similarly titled post. It's actually amazing to me, knowing me, that there aren't more of these annoyed ranting posts. There is so much I can rant about, but at this time my attention turns to chicken.

Yes, chicken. Not the live ones, but the repackaged kind you find at your local friendly grocery/deli/meat/fish/sushi/bakery/let's try to put everyone else out of business-establishment. The store I frequent generally does not sell manufacturers' packaged chicken, and repacks all the brands that don't come pre-packed, thus the repackaging!

Usually my chicken of choice is chicken in quarters, and often just thighs. Recently and at other occasional instances I have purchased chicken in eighths.


I'm no math wiz, but come on!! it's not in eighths if there are pieces missing is it? (No, really, now I wonder if I'm wrong...hmmm...)

Some might say, "don't worry it evens out," like the time there was a WING IN MY PACK OF THIGHS!!! A WING????

You go shopping, come home thinking you have all the pieces everyone likes, and boom! Either not enough wings, or in this last case an extra one. What is up with that? Sell the chicken with the darn wings, and if they're missing or broken they should fill it in with a wing from the breast used for cutlets and then have one less in the "pack of wings" they sell.

This isn't Rocket Science, it's not any kind of science. It's hardly even math. It's common sense. When people buy chicken they want all the pieces, or they would buy packages of specific pieces separately.

And end up with my missing wing!


G6 said...

What do you expect for a measly $3.29 a pound anyway....?

Apparently, you should just be grateful that you don't have to go out and shecht your own...

FBB said...

Luckily we do not suffer this indignity with that particular slap in the face. The chickens are more than they should be, but not as high as yours.

big sis said...

how about thighs that have two necks in it ? and a massive blob of fat connected to neither body part? I took it to the back and told them to reweigh it and reprice it with just the thighs, no necks or extra fat.

fil said...

Nothing wrong with your math. You are complaining that you are not getting eight eighths but only seven eights. The package only claims to have eighths. You can have three eighths of wings, and five eighths of legs but it is still eighths rather than quarters or fifths. You could even have a package that contains one eighths of a chicken but it is still eighths. Not being a housewife, I'm not sure where all this leads. You pay by the pound so whatever comes out should be okay. Of course, if you specifically want legs (regardless of the fraction) it won't do to get wings.

FBB said...

I'm genetically predisposed to worrying that I don't have enough. So if I think I'm getting a certain amount of pieces, I get panicky when I don't!

G6 said...

fil -
My first instinct was to love your logic, but then after reading FBB's response, I remembered that what the package indeed says is:
which would seem to indicate that inside the package is ONE ENTIRE chicken, divided into eighths.

big sis said...

you are all invited as guest speakers to my math class, we are doing fractions this month