Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Bills Will Be Lower...

We all know how much people need people. That's what's so great about family and friends, it's hard to go through this life without either. Sometimes though, they provide more of a lifeline then we realize.

I know my two closest friends are there for me. Moral support, helping hands and sounding boards.

I did not realize how much they motivate and organize me. It's hard, sometimes, when you're not working to push yourself to stay scheduled, to do that one extra errand now, as opposed to waiting until the next day when it will be raining and you have to schlep out and do something with a baby in tow, trying to maneuver between the raindrops and keeping the little fella dry (of course there's always that third friend who steps in, and says, give me your list, you are NOT taking your baby out on a day like this!).

It seems that the first two friends, (along with another friend, who I really don't speak to often enough)went off on a trip, where there's a time difference, and a calling card involved in contacting them. I am so happy for them, But I miss them. Not only shooting the breeze, but when I want to pick up the phone and just get that extra push to finish what I need to finish, I don't have anyone to call. Well, I do (see above, shopping for me friend),but how many times can I call one person? When the other two are around, I get to spread amongst three of them. There should be a rule that only one of my friends can go away at any one time. But that would be selfish, and if there's anything friendship teaches you, it's the opposite of that.

Travel safe! Come home soon!


brotherlawyer said...

I can call and tell you to do stuff.

Doobie said...

I missed talking to you also! and the nitty gritty of everyday life.