Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday

So today was my birthday. Birthdays are different when you have kids, they expect SOMETHING! to happen. In reality, birthdays are just a day like any other, but the kids keep waiting for that special something.

This morning the five year old asked me what time Grandma was coming with cupcakes. I informed her that tradition was special for her and her sisters, and did not extend to the adults in the house (especially this time of year). Being the quick thinker that she is, she informed me that she would suggest to her father that he go to the bakery and pick up a cake, ostensibly in my honor.

Later, MBB and I discussed the possibility of going out later in the day, perhaps for dinner as a nice break, and use the birthday as an excuse. We were too busy and nixed the idea, but not before Eldest Daughter put in her two cents. She felt that she and her sisters should come along to help "show" how I've spent my years, growing up and having kids. I told her I could prop a picture on the table and achieve the same thing.

Later when 11 year old was going to bed she said: "I feel bad for you, you had such a bad birthday."

I asked why she thought so, and she said "because you've been busy and working all day."

I told her that's what made this birthday so good. I finished the den, the mudroom, the kitchen, and cooked 4 things. An accomplishing day is always a good day.

Of course going to bed this late is really silly, but it's fun to act young and stupid.

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