Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Every night, in homes all over the world (this is not a post about world hunger, or those who have nothing or live in fear of bombs raining down upon them, or lawless bands of militias bursting though the doors to drag away the women. Nor is it a post about broken families here in the US or people living below the poverty line eating soup and crackers, or even about those unfortunate enough to have no homes at all), as the family returns to the nest the question on everyone's mind is the same:

"What are we having for dinner?"

The roles in each family are defined differently, so who makes or serves dinner can vary, but the underlying premise is there. Someone needs to choose what's for dinner, procure the ingredients and put it together. Then wait for it.

As people return home from a long day at school or work each has that same question on her mind. Yet, the answer elicits different reactions from each. The happy reactions are taken in stride, as are the ambivalent ones, it's the complaints that kill ya.

Each dinner idea is evaluated before execution to ensure maximum satisfaction. The problem is, if you only stick with what you know works, the menu gets pretty boring. So you need to add new items here and there, or bring back some old stand-bys that never really were a big hit. Tastes change, and time is a greater changer of minds. If you put enough distance between you and, say, the mustard crusted fettuccine, you never know, they may just go for it!

The problem really comes in when noses are turned up at menu staples.

"What do you MEAN you don't like chicken?"

At Icebergcarwash, we're kind of tough about these things, if you don't like dinner you don't need to eat it. If you only want a side dish that's fine too, as long as you give everything a try. The main thing we've incorporated is that you should not complain about a new dinner item until you've actually tried it. Too many times there is wailing and breast beating over a new concoction, that once tasted becomes a new staple because of rave reviews.

My kids just got home and found out I'm making Salmon Loaf. we haven't had it in about three years. It is not going well.

They're going to eat it either way. Wait til they find out I'm serving it with whole wheat pasta!


Brother Lawyer said...


Doobie said...

Sooooo? How did they like it? This definately needs a follow up post.