Monday, March 9, 2009


Wow, it's been a while since we've put anything up, so here are some rambling thoughts.

I hate Michael Bloomberg. He is a fascist elitist nanny, who is making the city great for tourist and unlivable for anyone who has anything to do in the city beyond taking pictures with the Naked Cowboy. Turning the main part of Broadway into a pedestrian walkway may work in Europe where nobody works (or wants to)anyway. Around here, people like to get to work, get to hospitals, and bring their cars to the city to spend money. If you live anywhere in the NY metropolitan area other than Manhattan, Michael Bloomberg has no use for you, or your use of the city (see:congestion pricing).

I hate the Van Wyck Expressway. I went to a party last night on Long Island. On the way home my dear brother (the attorney!!)called me in his usual frantic state to tell me that he got a call from someone that the Van Wyck was a mess, do I know another way to go. I told him that I did not, but also, that the Van Wyck, is the Van Wyck and that's just the way it is. AND IT'S SO STUPID THAT IT IS THAT WAY!!!!! BECAUSE NINE TIMES OUT OF TEN THERE IS NO REASON FOR THE BACKUP! It just suddenly opens up. BOOM! If ever you needed a visual of the splitting of the sea, this is a pretty good approximation.

The truth is, most city highways' are lousy, and the signage is either out of date or useless. LANE ENDS. No kidding? Why couldn't you tell me, say, TEN FEET before it ended?!? I'm sure it's a union thing. or a mob thing. A highway department guy goes out to put up the sign, far enough away that a diver has enough room to actually move over in time (if they would want to, of course),when two other guys come up to him:

Big GUys: Hey, whatcha doin'

Highway guy: I'm puttin' my sign heer.

BGs: Oh no youse not. This heer is our road and youse ain't gonna put yer sign on it.

HG: But how will peoples know the lane ends?

BGs: We will allow you to put yer sign were it actually ends. we wouldn't want anyone to crash...hahahahaha

HG: OK. My union does not allow me to argue or attempt a second effort in anyway.

There are actually things I like a lot, but perhaps that should wait for a day when I've actually had something to eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I AM NOT ALWAYS IN A FRANTIC STATE!!!!!! I was just running out of time to make a decision.
Either way, i wasn't driving, we informed patriarch of the situation, started to follow his directions, missed a turn, ended up on the dreaded Van Wyck anyway, but after sight-seeing through Queens a bit, sat in the traffic, and lost a total of about 20 minutes.

Not so bad.

I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of that idiot Bloomberg. I shall post more on him on my site, Doctor Greunkern