Thursday, March 12, 2009

Regards From The Chilly Midwest

MBB and I are in cold Minnesota for a wedding of a cousin. We're here for the weekend, which should be nice, it's great seeing all the different cousins, espescially since so many of them live no-where near us.

So to all our loyal followers we just wanted to say hi. I love to feel important by going into the hotel business center! Though this is the only night we'll be in the hotel, after this we're being put up in the suburbs to participate in the festivities, so it's a little harder to get internet access. Espescially as a stay-home Mom, it's hard to explain WHY I would need to use the internet on a friday afternoon/saturday night/sunday morning. Perhaps I'll use "printing my boarding pass" as a guise under which I could access the internet. I'm a very busy woman. I need to run my blog, check the local paper, and my e-mail.

My Grandmother and many of her kind (german)were very, very into mail. Like "when is it coming" and "is it here yet?" and "I can't stay at your house too long because I need my mail." I think I have become this. Not envelopes and mailboxes, but e-mail. And what do I get already? If I wasn't on various mailing lists my inbox would stay empty for days! Just knowing though, that it's possible that there's good mail in there makes me need to check.

And no, I am not getting a blackberry, or any device of its kind. I don't need Gap to let me know about it's spring collection when I'm in Walmart.

I gotta go get dressed. It's a little hard to explain why you're late to a wedding when your commute consists of an elevator ride to the lobby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ks for keeping us posted and for "keeping on" posting. Have a great time