Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It Sure Ain't Karma

A month ago I wrote about my adventures with my coffee machine. At the time I subtly wondered if the gift that I loved so much, and had brought me so much joy and warm feelings towards my darling husband, had been tampered with by MBB in retaliation for his being off caffeine at my insistence.

Of course it's a theory I never fully believed, because really, why would he want to sabotage the GREATEST GIFT EVER!!!! Though, that's not the only reason I know it can't have been him.


Anyone notice that there hasn't been a "no-caffeine" blog in awhile? Well, even though he made it through a deposition with FREE soda that he did not partake of because it was caffeinated, a recent trip to Houston put him over the edge. Texas, hmph. Just another thing we can blame George Bush for!

Since that time he has had at least some caffeine everyday, but to be fair it's like a smoker going from 3 packs a day down to 3 cigarettes, so I do give him credit for that. I knew he wouldn't get back on the wagon after that trip, but at least it's fairly moderate consumption. I had visions of him in a rumpled shirt (gasp!) and ear muffs (double gasp!!) pacing the sidewalk in front of 7-11 just waiting to suck the last droplets of soda out of discarded Big Gulp straws.

The weird part is while he was off caffeine I think I had some every day, which is not a usual occurrence for me. However, these last few weeks I think I may have had one cup ( and a very delicious cup of Green Mountain Golden French Toast flavored coffee, limited edition....hurry).

Imagine my dismay Monday morning when THE PROBLEM returned. MBB was "ON" caffeine at the time so he's off the hook. The brewer wouldn't brew. I kept trying, but to no avail. I called Keurig, stayed on hold for 30 minutes, until someone came back on and told me they'd have to get back to me. That was fine. This morning I went to a class, and they have a Keurig there. I brought my cup/cover/k-cup/splenda packets and hoped that it would be working. I had my delicious cup of coffee and I was happy. Until 3 o'clock today when I realized I wanted a nice hot drink and hadn't heard from anyone. I had to call back. 7-11 coffee is excellent, but I like having my own available on my counter.

Having looked up this problem on various message boards, I was pretty sure that the most they would do is offer me a new brewer at a discounted price. I declined, since I had recently received a gift card from Bed Bath and Beyond and I had a 20% off coupon which made the price of the brewer $20 less than the discount they were offering me at Keurig. Plus I didn't have to wait for them to ship it to me.

Guess who went to get me a new brewer? Yup. Mr. Wonderful himself. SIIIIGH.

Now I have my new brewer which is a little slimmer, but also a little noisier on the counter.

But I'm happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to know that you still have "THE GREATEST GIFT EVER" to enjoy. I think that it is so appropo that MBB went out to get it for you.
Why is it noisier?