Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Taxation Without a Pending Confirmation

While I have been a Republican for my entire life, I've found that my views on certain issues have moderated somewhat. I'm most definitely right-of-center, but probably to the left of people like Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan.

On fiscal issues, I've definitely remained conservative, particularly when it comes to taxation. Whereas I'm usually able to at least understand - and disagree with - liberal stances on economic issues, I've never been able to understand why Democrats always seem to be in favor of higher taxes.

Over the years, I've searched for the answer, but have never found a satisfactory explanation.

Could it be that they need tax increases to fund their government spending proposals? I suppose so. However, Republican administrations, particularly the most recent one, have not shied away from spending, yet they prefer to cut taxes, even if it leads to deficits.

Perhaps Democrats like raising taxes as a form of class warfare against the rich. While that would explain a lot, and certainly seems to motivate a certain fringe of the party, I just don't think that it's a driver for most mainstream Democrats.

As you can see, for some time now, I've been at a loss when it comes to understanding why Democrats favor raising taxes, even in the face of so much overwhelming empirical (not just anecdotal) evidence that doing so actually harms the economy.

I had pretty much resigned myself to filing this in the category of "the world's greatest mysteries."

However, just when it appeared that I'd never have my answer, President Obama and his friends, like Tom Daschle and Timothy Geithner, have made things crystal clear for me:

Democrats don't mind raising taxes because...

...they don't pay them anyway.

Mystery solved.


Anonymous said...

good take on things.

Although I think class warfare is the real motivator. They are envious of and hate financially successful people.

Anonymous said...

I also think you have the real answer. I think they raise taxes in a Robin Hood kind of way to create the social engineering that would otherwise not be so easy in a Democratic society. Alot like insurance for the grasshopper because the ants don't need it and how dare they not share with their more unfortunate insect cousins.
I also think they see taking from the rich to give to the poor a good way to give charity bk democrats as a group give far, far less charity than republicans. Just recently you could see what Sarah Palin gave as her charity last year compared to what Joe Biden gave. The discrepancy is staggering. And there have been many many studies done that show this as a pattern not an abberation. See what percentage Al Gore gives of his income to charity.