Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mid Winter Break

Things have been busy here at Chez BlogBerg. The kids have off from school for what amounts to a long weekend (they go back tomorrow), and we actual made plans. Thursday night we drove down to visit family in Baltimore. Baltimore???? Well, it holds a special place for us since MBB and I lived there for two years when we were first married. I really don't know how long I would have lasted down there without my cousins who we went to spend this weekend with. Seriously, she was a rock for me back then, and I will always be indebted to her (and her hubby). But I digress.

As we were packing up the car I explained to the five year old and the eight year old that bathrooms on the turnpike can be few and far between. Well, maybe not few, but certainly you can drive 15 minutes without access to a bathroom. Normally not a problem, but when you're five and you gottta go...So I told them that they need to let me know before they're desperate. The five year old pondered this for a moment and informed me that "well, we could go in the bushes." I informed her that it is both very cold and very dark and snowy on the side of the road, and that it wouldn't be safe to stop for that purpose. She didn't miss a beat as she responded "We could take a bag in the car!!!"

We actually did not need to stop either leg of the trip, which was great, and greatly unexpected.

We went to science museum at the inner harbor on Friday which is a really great science museum, and the kids had a super time. Of the science museums we've been to, nothing has topped The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, but this one was really good and we were able to get a wheel chair for Hoppity.

Sunday, we came home in the early afternoon, and had a nice quiet afternoon, follwed by a lazy morning on Monday. Hoppity and the baby went to Grandma, and the rest of us went ice skating for a little over an hour. It was surprisingly empty considering the number of schools in town that have off, but it's hard to compete with $9 tickets to Florida.

Today we went to The Museum of The City of New York. The girls had a good time, but acknowledged that "older people" probably like it better. Though they did enjoy the Doll House exhibits, the Interior rooms from old New York exhibit, and much to my chagrin the "Greening of NY" exhibit. There was a great video presentation of the history of NYC, and the Eudora Welty photographs were really wonderful, though I'm partial to that sort of thing.

So a good time was had by all, and tomorrow they go back to school.

I'll miss them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun family time was spent. Of course I prefer it when there are $9 fares to Detroit. Maybe next year.......