Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Summer Sputters to an End

I had a really nice summer. The first half was quiet with more than half the kids away for four weeks. After that it was just nice, calm, and then sister from Michigan was around (are those two mutually exclusive?).

We went to the beach twice, which apparently I still do not enjoy doing, HOWEVER, the second time was definitely better this year. Maybe because the umbrella broke in the wind and instead of everyone trying to squoosh into the shady spot we just kind of relaxed in a large circle of chairs and towels (and cabana for next generation baby who came along with his mother).

The best part of the summer was the kayaking. I decided I would try to kayak at least once a week, and I did it. I dealt with the guilt of leaving the kids and going off to do something I loved,by myself, and I managed seven times to make my way up to a nice spot that rents kayaks. I had different partners each time, and one time when my partner could not make it, I went alone. That was fantastic. I love the company, but I really loved going alone. So much so, the next week, when my friend wanted to come with me on Thursday, I went on Wednesday myself, and then Thursday with her. As we paddled (two separate kayaks- I will not do a double...ever again) and floated she asked if she was "messing up my routine." I said "don't worry, I came yesterday."
The best part is I made a goal and stuck to it, with a lot of encouragement from a lot of people, and I appreciate it.

The problem is, I still want to kayak, and child care is a little harder to come by now that  all kids are back in school. It might be chilly, but I would like to try to get back in the paddle again at least twice before November. I'd love more, but I'm being realistic.

As obsessions go, at least this one is healthy, and gives me solitude, time to think and reflect, in unwired silence.



Doobie said...

The beauty surrounding you while kayaking definitely adds to the relaxation. Hope you get to go back.

snippy sis said...

child care is not harder to come by at all- plenty of babysitters in the community!