Friday, September 16, 2011

I've Had It

I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before, but I'm getting more and more upset by what I see as the fakery parading as frumkeit.

Every week when I read Mishpacha Magazine I am reminded of this again as they will not print pictures of women, and if they do, they blur the faces.

My niece recently looked at a picture of a Rebbe dancing at his daughter's wedding surrounded by at least 2,000 Chasidim on bleachers. The picture was taken at the Mitzvah Tantz, and you can see the Rebbe is holding a gartel. Logically, his daughter is at the end of that gartel, but out of the picture. My niece asked a brilliant question which I will add my own little addition to: This woman can stand in the center of a room full of THOUSANDS of men, THE ONLY FEMALE, and we need to blur the face of an 89 year old Asian woman being saved from the flooding from Hurricane Irene?????

It's Ludicrous. It's ludicrous and once again it focuses on the wrong things. If we are so afraid that our "heimishe" magazines will cause problems for men who will be sent into a spiritual downfall from seeing a picture of a ten year old girl standing at the rail of a ship  in 1922, then I think are problems are so vast we should give up now.  How can there be any hope of anyone being close to G-d if the most innocuous pictures and viewing will send one hurtling to the depths of impurity. I think those who cannot see the faces of these women should never leave their houses, and if they do they should wear a hood and dark glasses to easily avert their eyes. Those that truly subscribe to this, actually do it, so all those who feel that Mishpacha could be treif need to stop reading it. Who knows what other nefarious things printed in the magazine will get in their way.

That really is the solution. Family First already bills itself as a woman's magazine. Tell men not to read it, and if they do, it's their choice and their spiritual calculation. I hate that my daughters are growing up in this world of the disappearing woman. Unless she goes out to work. Then she can be anywhere and everywhere, and travel for hours...but that's a different rant


Doobie said...

the worst of all this is that I don't think this is torah. Otherwise our rabbis would have long long ago insisted on burkas!

G6 said...

No, the worst part is that this perversion of Hashem's guidelines leads to MORE perversion among men.
Forbidden fruit and all that....
It makes the previously mundane into something sensual and erotic.