Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lucky For Me, He's Nuts

My previous post about Biology was misunderstood.

My brother thought I was making fun of him, when in reality I was remarking on this fascination that he, and apparently others in my family, have with flashlights. A fascination I was somewhat unaware of.

The other night we had a family simcha (my nephew's bar mitzvah), and all was going well. My brother, having read the post, opened his jacket and took out two small flashlights. He even turned them on to show me how good they were(man, one of them was really bright). I was properly enthused, and even commended him on his flashlights, though I MAY have wondered why he needed them in his jacket at a bar mitzvah.

The room was beautiful. It was bright, there were white tulle covered lights criss- crossing the ceiling, contrasting nicely with the dark carpet. I was admiring the balloon centerpieces and the general decor when my six year old daughter came up to me crying that her earring had fallen out. It was not an expensive earring (again, she's six), but she was upset, and afraid her "hole would close," so we started looking. We looked all around the table where she had been sitting, and my cousin (the nurse)even went UNDER the table to help search for it. After about ten minutes, I gave up, found my brother, and asked him for a flashlight so that I could see it better on the dark carpet.

I'm surprised you all did not hear the hysterical laughing that followed my request.

I didn't find the earring, though I did feel I had a better chance with the flashlight. I returned it to him, and could still here some slight chortling, but he was trying not to guffaw too loudly, since the earring was in fact, still missing.

We found it later in another kids hair, which is really odd, since these two kids are the same size, so I'm not sure HOW it fell into her hair, maybe mine was sitting on her knees on a chair? After a bit of back and forth due to fear of it hurting, my daughter finally let my cousin, I think BECAUSE she is nurse, put it in for her, and everyone was happy.

Especially my brother.


ShnartThe1st said...

Still doesnt expalin why he needed three, and why he had them in his suit (it would have been just fine in the car) :)

Brother Lawyer said...


I feel that I MUST set the record straight. I shall start here, and if need be, continue this on the forum I control,


I DO NOT sleep with a bat under my bed (anymore, not for 30 years, and then I was in a room on the street).

I carry two flashlights because one is an LED that I use for seeing things, at work when I go into empty spaces with no lighting, and as the summer season in prone to blackouts due to high poweer usage, since the great blackout of a few years ago, I always carry a flashlight with me in case the power goes out.

The second one is less powerful and I use if for medical purposes.

I DO NOT carry three flashlights, the third one, the large one, is in my car for finding addresses, as well as general car safety. Since getting this large flashlight, and realizing the beneits of having one in my car, i decided to get one for each car.

The glashlight pack has two, not three flashlights in it. Even I have limits to what I can justify in my life.


The only thing I said was " I better see this in print in a follow up. However, now I think I am suffering from "be careful what you wish for"

I was NOT laughing hysterically, chortling or guffawing. Inside I was SCREAMING with I told you HA!s, but outwardly I was very professional, brotherly and unclely.

I OBJECT to the catagorization that I am nuts. However, I concede that this is not a refutation of the charge.

FBB said...

If we get another post out of you on your blog, then that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

related is posting belated, just read the comments. No one was sleeping on t he street!!! It is a beautiful room with locked doors almost at the back of the house, One would think an 18 year old teenager would like his own room and privacy. Guess you can never really know what scares one person versus another. Personally I would be more nervous on the street with antiquated gun that may or may not work in a neighborhood whaaere lots of cousins live Related