Friday, October 17, 2008


We've reached a milestone, here at IcebergCarwash. Our Last post was a week ago. Coincidentally, it was our one month milestone. I assume it can't be an anniversary if it isn't a year. My assumption is, that although it's a colloquialism to call everything an anniversary, the root word is from the word annum, as in year, and even though it's a colloquialism, has made it into the lexicon as perfectly acceptable, you can be sure a certain Mr. MBB would have pointed out the error in usage.

So I guess we've been kinda of busy, which is always a nice good thing, but perhaps it gives us more to post about if we hold out longer. Or perhaps not.

I took the kids to one of these 1700's houses yesterday (house, one room school house, and barn). The experience was definitely an experience. I had called earlier in the day and didn't get through, so I called an administrative number. The woman there said they didn't answer the phone at the museum because they were giving a tour. Great! Then it's open. So off we went. As we got out of the car, a woman walked into a building, was there for a minute, and walked out. Then about three minutes later another woman came out. It was amazing because the place was actually closed and all staff was at a board meeting, and that one woman happened to be (though as I've said before, there are no coincidences)out of the meeting JUST as we got out of the car, and she went back to the meeting, and told the interpretive guide that there was a family here, and did she want to run a tour. YAAAY, she said yes. So we had a private tour and it was great, and...I learned new things.

I've gone to a lot of these places over the years and usually you'll hear a snippet here or there that's new or different, but this just flat out surprised me. I don't think I've ever seen the fireplace shields that stand on a stand, and protect a person sitting near the fireplace. I've been to a lot of these houses, and I don't think I've ever seen that before. How odd is that? Maybe I've never noticed it, but I think if I had seen it, I'd definitely have asked, and then I'd remember.

This house had a kitchen, with a lot of interesting things in it. The most interesting to me were the spoons, and ladles, and light covers that were made out of cow hooves cartilage: PETCHA!!!!! How wacky is that? PETCHA spoons!!! Honestly, I have to wonder if that was really from the 17-1800s or it was done later, when they had better methods, but I guess it's possible. They felt like a hard plastic. It was really cool, but then I got to thinking Hmmm, does that automatically makes the utensils meat for a kosher kitchen?

And in shades of turning into my mother, I spent the whole ride up oohing and aahing the magnificent foliage in Orange County. It really was breathtaking. And then I saw it. On the way home. The sign that made me turn around. I had to. I just Had to. There in a town in orange county, a town called Goshen, was the REAL ICEBERG CARWASH!!!



Anonymous said...

So is this going to be your new icon?
How cool to combine fbb's and mbb's dream into a one stop shop for all your ice cream/carwash needs!!!!

Anonymous said...

so, when you gonna buy it and move it to the FBB MBB back yard???

Anonymous said...

what is Petcha?