Thursday, October 23, 2008

At Least He's Not a Muslim.....

So for all the hand wringing and despair as the probability of an Obama presidency becomes more likely, the City of New York has lodged a real attack on democracy.

The news reports continuously say that NYers voted twice for term limits. Actually, they voted once to enact two consecutive terms(1993), and the second vote was TO REJECT ADDING A THIRD TERM(1996).

Hmmm. What has the City Council done at the behest of the billionaire mayor? It has voted to extend term limits to three terms not two, and to do so without calling a special election to put this before the voters. If you want to know how freedom is pulled away from people, the answer is simple. Fear. Bloomberg has convinced enough people that he's the only one who can help with the economic crisis facing New York. Just as the President convinced Congress, with enough fear, to enact various unconstitutional elements of the Patriot Act.

In 1759 Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying:

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Granted, for many council members this was purely a selfish move, they want the term extension for themselves as well. That doesn't make it any better. I really hope that voters will fight against this and vote in ANYBODY other than Bloomberg. But it's doubtful. The man is a billionaire. There is no candidate who can compete with him financially, and we all know that the way to win campaigns is money. More money, more ads, more exposure. Plus he's an incumbent Mayor so he's pretty much on the news every night.

This is so sickening, an affront to Democracy and Freedom. But let's keep worrying about phantom Islamists taking over the executive branch of Government.


Anonymous said...

I am 100% with you on this. As far as someone opposing Bloomberg, his strengths (money, incumbency) pales as an advantage in relation to the idiots that are his possible rivals.

I am hoping that maybe the courts will find that a proposal that was voted in by a referendum cannot be annuled by the council, but I don't know enough about it to know if this is an issue or not.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, you may be right, but i STIll don't want the lying, cheating, disloyal bum as my president

Anonymous said...

I agree, too, but if it bothers ny'ers that much they won't elect him for that third term he forced out of 'em

Anonymous said...

he's lost my vote that's for sure. i'd vote for the Queen of the city council before I'd vote for that disingenuous, self serving, snively, smug, smarmy (and incredibly rich)sap. And I wont throw away my vote by sitting it out it shall be cast!

(I recall bloomberg very vociferously (SP??) opposing the last mayor's attempt to accomplish the same thing since NO ONE other than King Rudolph could lead the city through such tremolous times...)

Sarah Palin for Mayor!!!