Sunday, October 26, 2008

Turn on the Lights, the Party's Over

Crisp fall Sunday, wet leaves all around after a windy rainy weekend. A windy rainy weekend that wrought a 3 hour blackout. In the evening. Into the night, when there was no way to light up the house. So we hunkered down in the dining room, and appreciated every passing car that sent short strobes of illumination into the room. Luckily, we had visitors also suffering from the same predicament, and that made it go by faster. So at about five minutes to seven we lit some candles, and searched the house for various flashlights and settled in for the long haul. It took about 20 minutes, but once we found all the devices we would need (camping lantern for the hall/bathroom, various flashlight for individual rooms, tea lights and candles)we were ready. And Excited. We'd play Sorry or something fun by candlelight, it almost felt like that first snow of the season. You anticipate it, then it starts, and comes down quicker and more steadily, until suddenly you spend your day watching cars futilely attempt to make it up the hill past your driveway...but I digress. We were psyched...and then the lights came back on. Oh, well. We had already put the baby into bed, so we turned on the now operational intercom, and after about two minutes she started yapping and playing in her crib. Finally, one of her sisters who was upstairs went into her room to give her a pacifier, when lo and behold, it seems that while searching for flashlights, someone had gone into her room, and pressed the light switch on. Of course we did not notice this, as she had been put to bed before the power went back on, so there she was, playing in her crib, with the light on, and having a grand ol' time.

So we played a game anyway (Cranium, which really, of course I lost, my kids know NO pop culture, and MBB had the kid who is a whiz at word puzzles!), which was lots of fun.

Today, I went to a Bas/t Mitzvah party. That was a really nice shebang, with really awesome brownies. And really, any party where they play this for the kids to dance to is an automatic winner, plus a nice shout out to all the Rebbes out there, whether from Uman or Depentz. Anywho, I discovered the other half of the cookie, in that if you go to a party where you don't know too many people (past the hosts and their families), anytime is a good time to show up. And have fun!

Oh, and I just have to wonder. Is it rude after you change your baby in a public bathroom with only one stall, (the stall that holds the changing table), you put her down to wash your hands and discard the diaper, that she looks under the stall you just came out of to peer at the woman who went in?


Anonymous said...

rude? how about gross

Anonymous said...

depends what was in the "awesome" brownies. If the lady in the stall inhaled them also it should be okay.