Monday, October 20, 2008

Watch Where You're Pointing That Nose, Yentl

IcebergCarwash has just learned of the demise of the famous/infamous "Mr. Blackwell," at the age of 86.

Mr. Blackwell, whose real name was Richard Selzer, was perhaps the world's most famous fashion critic, known best for his annual international "worst dressed" list.

I always thought that the guy was incredibly pretentious. First of all, who really cares what any one person thinks about the manner in which other people dress, even if those "other people" are celebrities? Secondly, what was the idea behind the whole "Blackwell" or "Mr. Blackwell" thing? Was he so important that he couldn't go by his full name, whether his original or adopted one?

Seems to me that this guy was a real jerk.

So why, do you ask, would we bother to use any of our precious blog real estate on an obituary, no matter how spare, of such a person?


Anyone who once referred to Barbara Streisand as "a masculine Bride of Frankenstein" deserves at least a mention on IcebergCarwash.

So farewell and rest in peace, Mr. Blackwell, from the best-looking blog out there.

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