Friday, May 6, 2011

So Much to Say

I haven't blogged in awhile,, and while I do have some good blogs in my head, I just haven't been able to get them up in a meaningful way. I need to decide if any blog is worth posting, or if I should have some sort of standard.

Then there are the issues that come up with people in your life, and would make a good blog topic to discuss as to why you feel certain ways about certain things, but the people in your life are, well, in your life, and read your blog, and you don't want them to think this is your shot across the bow. So essentially to be able to blog effectively, I need to a) hang out with other people or b)get the people in my life to stop reading my blog. Both options are lousy, because I like the people in my life, which is probably why I want them to read the blog in the first place.

Well, it's the first post in a month, it'll have to do for now.


Doobie said...

welcome back, you can blog about me anytime ;)

G6 said...

I'm having the same problem.
I should put MY posts on YOUR blog and you should put YOUR posts on MINE.
That would really mix the people up and perhaps they wouldn't know that indeed we WERE referring to "them"...