Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Drowning My Calories

Over at the Good Doctor, he is chronicling his efforts to create a waffle that tastes good on its own. On its own, as in unencumbered by syrup or ice cream or chocolate chips or blueberries.

This got me thinking about the various foods that we eat, that are essentially conduits for the toppings or sauces we put on them. There are times, as I watch my children consume some delectable treat completely smothered in ketchup, that I wonder why they don't just get a spoon, open the ketchup bottle, and have at it? Why waste the time and calories on whatever that day's delivery system is? (To be fair, my kids are not big "ketchupers," though a point of contention when we first got married was ketchup on mashed potatoes, I mean who DOES that? Well, we know who, but what is the point of making mashed potatoes if they are just going to be smothered in ketchup? Just bake a potato- or boil it- smash it and add ketchup. Why bother with the spices and the fat? MBB still looks at me and says "you mind if I put ketchup on these?")

Salsa and chips is an example of this. Yes, the chips are crunchy and salty, but I think those of us who have dieted are well aware that when you dip baby carrots or other crunchy veggies into salsa there's a similar're eating salsa!

Anything with marzipan or chocolate could fall into this category for me. Because you could put those two items on pretty much anything, and if they retained their taste, I WOULD EAT IT!

There are also plenty of lousy French fries out there that are really just a means to deliver the ketchup, Now, don't get me wrong, I am not averse to condiments. When used properly they certainly go a long way to enhancing the flavor of what ever particular item is being consumed, but when it drowns out the flavor, if it IS flavorless to begin with (see:waffles and the like)then really what are we trying to taste?

So the next time you set yourself up with a nice plate of something, before you gob on the accouterments, think if what you want is the base, or just the topping. If it's the latter? Then just have that!

Oh, and Doc? Forget the waffles, just get some cinnamon buns, you NEVER go wrong with those.


Doobie said...

i have to agree on the cinnamon buns. that is definitely one food that doesn't need anything to go with it. (Though coffee or milk is good to wash it down you can eat it just by itself.)

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

YUUUUMMMMM, I LOOOOVVEEE Cinnamon buns, and Doobie makes GREAT ones. However, as a base for butter and syrup, I think it is too much.

Although you are right, some of the comments from my tasters are that it doesn't taste waffly, so there is a taste out there that they associate with wafles, i just haven't found it yet.

The other reason for eating them especially fat-free ones, which so far are winning the taste tests, is that it gives a growing child a healthy breakfast that can power them through until lunch. This is a good thing, whereby spoonfuls of butter with syrup on them would probably get a parent in trouble with child welfare.

This is good, I might just post it over at

FBB said...

That "waffley" taste your crew is craving is called chemicals and preservatives that they associate with frozen processed waffles. You need to bring them slowly into the world of fresh waffles!

Doobie said...

if you really want it constitute a healthy breakfast than you should use whole wheat pastry flour. (then you don't feel guilty about all the butter and syrup)