Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Learn from Others

There are many things we can learn from sports. Teamwork, commitment, stick -to -it-iveness, and the harder you practice the better you become. There are other lessons as well, and there's the entertainment factor, but as lessons go, this football season has taught some big ones.

The older people get the more their flaws become noticeable. As we age our facial features continue to grow, so too with our character traits. Unless we work hard to overcome things we do regularly, and our nature, we will continue to do these things, but as we age the qualities and abilities that accompanied lousy character traits and helped mask them, diminish. So all you are left with are the flaws. They were always there, but the triumphs helped to hide them.

Also, know your place. Know when your time is up. Know that you cannot recapture the past, and as much as you want something you cannot alter the laws of science, physiology, gravity and probability.

These lesson can be extrapolated for most situations, but in a nut shell:

Go away, Brett Favre.


lizardk said...

that's what I'VE been saying since the beginning of the season!

he's finished wait he's back...never mind that he's a QUARTERBACK and can barely move his HAND!!

Doobie said...

This is a bit like gambling. He should have stopped while he was still on top (never missed a start etc etc) but then he goes to prove something and when that doesn't work out so well he keeps trying to recoup the losses (which at this point cant be done) because he doesn't want to retire while down and injured.
Again a metaphor for so many things in life!