Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Gift That Keeps Giving Me Grief

So, I turn my back on IcebergCarwash for a little while (which might be analogous to saying that Rip van Winkle took a catnap), essentially turning the management of this site over to FBB, and things go completely haywire.

Just within the past few days, she has done the following:

(1) Blogged about breaking a primary rule of our marriage.

(2) Compared my appearance to that of a "hobo." (Hey FBB, the 1930s called. They want their slang back).

(3) Revealed her plan to have me dress in a similar fashion to that of my 4.7 month old son. (Although I'll admit to having grown fond of my one-sie with the monkeys on it, despite its tendency to cause rather unfortunate chafing).

(4) Demeaned a thoughtful gift I had given her.

Therefore, dear people who are probably only reading this post because they stumbled upon this blog after doing a Google search for the phrase "Arctic Glacier-Scented Turtle Wax," allow me to set the record straight, at least about that last item.

I did not purchase a mini-fridge for FBB. I purchased her a micro-fridge. It was just large enough to hold two bottles of wine. Or two 40-ounce bottles of malt liquor. Or a six pack or so of Diet Coke.

Sure, FBB thought it was a dumb idea, but there were some people who considered it to be quite nifty. Such as the people who made the micro-fridge a veritable staple of the Sharper Image catalogue. The very same people who made The Sharper Image a household name. The people who made The Sharper Image one of the most popular, successful and long-lasting brands in the specialty retail sector...

On second thought, I take it back. The micro-fridge was easily the worst gift idea I've ever conceived...for now.


Doobie said...

can't wait to hear what else you have up your sleeve.
But the kindle was great. At least she can still blog even wthout a computer!

big sis said...

you can't wear a mini-fridge.

FIL said...

1. Didn't the Sharper Image go bankrupt?

2. I once bought my wife a blender, which she professed to desire, and 19 years later she still grouses about it. And it was for an important birthday. What could have been more practical or appropriate?

Brotherlawyer said...

Can I have the fridge? I need a gift for my wife who has a birthday coming up.

G6 said...

As a heavy drinker (diet coke), I think the mini fridge is an awesome gift!
Keep thinking out of the (ice)box...!
And if brother lawyer gets conked on the head for his lousy gift, send it my way.....

nastyolder sis said...

brotherlawyer- take the gift for free and then take her to dinner at some restaurant you have a voucher for.

Brotherlawyer said...

whoa, I really need to check on all the sites I coment on, since Iseem to get bashed everywhere.

You people are all just jealous.