Monday, October 18, 2010

No Computer, No Problem

Even though our computer is eight years old (and just went in for a major cleanup) and all of the software on that computer is that ancient (in computer terms, of course) or older (is that even possible? Yes. Yes it is), I have nonetheless joined the technological age.

I am posting this on my new kindle, the new kindle that MBB got me as yom tov gift. You all remember MBB, right? He looks a little different these days, but he's still his non blogging self. I really like the kindle, though I don't usually buy books, I'm more of the library type. Luckily, there are magazine subscriptions, some free word games, and free classiics. Not to mention free 3G wireless, and thus my current posting.

MBB suggested that perhaps I should rate the gifts from the past. They're mostly all good, except one. Man was that a doozy. I dont mean that to sound ungrateful. You know that moment when you open a gift and it is just so off the charts anything you either want/need /expect that you just think: "Really? C'mon, Really?" I'll be happy to generalize and say that most women are not interested in a gift......hmmm, how should i put this? That really just makes a put upon husband's life easier. Essentially this gift was to take the place of something that he was doing for me, up until which time I didn't even realize how much he hated! Why would I want a MINI FRIDGE in my bedroom? Decor? Hello? Why would I need a MINI FRIDGE for my room, when I had a super nice husband who went to get me diet coke? Appparently, he was unhappyw ith this arraangement. Who knew? Well, he did, but chose not to share this tidbit.

Needless to say I did not keep this gift. I exchanged it for lovely solar outside lights (they stopped working a few years ago and i sold them to an electrician who wanted them), and stopped asking MBB for liquid refreshment.. So I guess it was win-win.

If the worst gift you have ever given someone ends up making both people happy-you're a pretty good gift giver. Now if I could just get him to blog a little.........

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