Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Can't Believe It's May Already

You know how some say that when you have nothing to talk about you end up talking about the weather? It's not that I have nothing to say, but what I want to say has a lot to do with the weather.

I could technically buy and plant annuals tomorrow. I usually wait for the first few days of May, and they are indeed upon us. Plus, the earlier you get the flowers in, the prettier they are early in the season.

The problem is it doesn't FEEL like I should be planting flowers yet. There've been so many cool days, that I am not feeling that sustained feeling of Spring. Though the allergy sufferers in my house are certainly feeling the sustained feelings of spring! Normally at this time of year I'm itching to get the flowers in, and feeling like my house is waiting for that spruce up. Not so this time. We had a couple of very unseasonably hot days, but otherwise it just hasn't felt like spring. I didn't look up any statistics, so I don't know if this Spring is really cooler than years passed, but it feels that way to me. And I'm a bit bummed about it.

Stupid Global Warming!

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?


1 comment:

Doobie said...

The farmers almanac says that for our area there is frost until May 10th so that means we are waiting to plant until next week. I hope the weather will be as gorgeous as it was today!