Thursday, May 14, 2009


I know it's only May 14, but I have never planted flowers this late. Granted, the frost free date is May 15, but I'm quite sure that the temperature did not dip below 33 degrees over the last two weeks. So even though there's that built in excuse I feel like I lost two weeks of flowers. What? That's right. Every day that the flowers are in is one more day for them to grow and really get to that point where they don't look straggly and pathetic. They start to look decent at two weeks and really good after four.

I'd have to say after Tuesday's fiasco (see post below) this flower buying trip was fairly uneventful. I brought Little Miss-Stitches-In-Her-Eyebrow to a drop off babysitter, and went to buy my flowers knowing she was having a good time. She goes to this babysitter once a week, for a little over an hour, while I attend a class right nearby. I know she likes the place because practically ANYTIME I say "let's go," she asks excitedly if we are going to this babysitter. (She just says the babysitter's name in a question form with a huge smile, when I say no, she asks, "later?").

So I was able to properly focus on the plants, and determine what will go where before I went to pick her up. They're doing roadwork on one of the main roads here, so one lane is closed at various points with a flag man directing traffic. So I went out of my way to avoid the closure and still be able to drop off the flowers before I picked up Little Miss-Target-Head. So as I came up the street that would take me the circuitous route to my house, guess what was blocking the intersection? YUP! the construction trucks I went out of my way to avoid. Luckily no one was behind me and I turned around and went back the regular way, unloaded the car and got Little Miss-Cheese-Eater.

She took a nap, I put on planting/cooking clothes, a raincoat and rain hat and got to work. In about 1.5 hours I had 98% planted, and when the other kids got home I took a couple to the nursery with me to get some more stuff.

It's all in now, it looks like some good rain's in store. I'm really happy it's done.

But man am I sore.

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